Mercury has been in retrograde

In the past week I have had:

A guy who I had 1, yes 1, conversation with in 2015, contact me on tinder again.

A guy I talked to in 2015 text me saying happy birthday (not my birthday) then apologizing over it and try to have a conversation with me.

An ex who I broke up with in 2014 (but still stayed in contact with/messed around with) but haven’t spoken to in a year tell me how much he misses me.

Mercury, get your shit together.

The first to get an emoji next to their name in a long time

I have a few rules when I finally give someone my number. First off it takes awhile for me to give it if I’m unsure about you. I’d rather talk on an app until I feel comfortable. Then I won’t put your name in my phone usually until I meet you. Once I’ve met you, if I like you enough to put your name in, then either you get an emoji next to your name if I like you or just your last name.

This guy got his name and emoji before we even met. We went on a first and second date last week, but of course nonetheless have since been ghosted.

We started talking about a week before and it felt like we talked so much. If we weren’t texting we were on the phone or sleeping. He was so exciting to me. He actually gave me butterflies. There were things about him that I was weary about; he talked about his ex a lot, he was very confusing about his political views (and I would just not really share mine) but I was trying to see pst all of that because I liked his energy.

We finally met on Monday for lunch. He works on base so I met him at the NEX for lunch. He was super sweet and very affectionate holding my hand and sneaking kisses. We had a really great time.

Then Wednesday night I went over for dinner and a movie and again all smiles, so much fun. We had some adult time, some cuddles, and a long good bye that night.

The next morning he called me super early on his way to work and I woke up and answered it and we talked for a bit. And that was just about it. I text him a few times throughout the day and got one word responses, and then no responses.

It sucks, I actually had butterflies for him, and that was the first time in a while. Part of me wants to ask why but the other part of me thinks it’s not worth it. I think ghosting is so cowardly that I wish I could say with full confidence that I wouldn’t want him back anyways, but then there’s the part of me that goes everyone deserves a second chance because I’ve needed them before too, but then the whole fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me creeps in, and the shame on me in the past few years has been real. I guess we’ll see what if anything happens.

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